Hi Gregory,

I'l leave the mri_vol2surf to Doug, but basically we treat the components separately - one file for the real and one for the imaginary. You should convert each of them to a .w file. You can display either with a color wheel in tksurfer. Jon Polimeni is the current expert on this stuff, so I'll cc him.


On Fri, 30 Jun 2006, Gregory Scott wrote:

We have complex-valued volumes (retinotopic mapping data) in
structural space (1,1,1mm)

We'd like to convert this to a surface overlay (.w)

Can mri_vol2surf handle complex data and can Freesurfer display this?
(with some sort of color wheel scheme)

Also, does freesurfer require both polar and eccentricity mapping data
simulateously or can one display (eg. polar mapping) data separately?

Thank you very much for your time and any help
Gregory Scott
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