
You are correct in finding that just the tksurfer app
is the one binary from the standard centos4_x86_64
stable freesurfer build that does not work on fc5.

By coincidence, I have been working with a 32bit
FC5 platform, and found that this is true.  That is,
the standard centos4 stable build works on 32bit
FC5, except for tksurfer.  It was necessary to update
the nvidia driver on the FC5 platform to get rid of
'GLXBadLargeRequest' messages, but it also
necessitated a special build of tksurfer (to fix a
problem where the glut lib was not initialized).

So, in short, I will remove the FC5 x86_64 'dev'
build, and post the special tksurfer builds (for fc5
32bit and 64bit), and include a notice that fc5 users
should use the centos4 build, but to copy over tksurfer
with the special fc5 version.

I still recommend updating the nvidia driver (if using
that brand of vid card), as it clearly fixes one of the

Thanks for pointing this out!


On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 14:16 +0200, Glenn Lawyer wrote:

Around the 25th of April there was a brief discussion regarding running FreeSurfer on a FC5 machine. Some users were having a problem with tksurfer not displaying and an error with the X server (GLXBadLargeRequest).

I just installed the centos _x64 3.0.3 verson of FreeSurfer on a FC5 machine, nvidia graphics card, and experienced the same error. However, Nick mentioned that a FC5 build of FreeSurfer is available at
named freesurfer-Linux-fc5-x86_64-dev20060426.tar.gz

I installed this build on my machine, and this version of tksurfer displays properly (at least a first test, fsaverage + curvature + aparc.anot + wireframe)

Nick went on to say
"This is a 'dev' version, meaning its built from a codebase
that is slightly ahead of date with the stable version, but
none-the-less should behave identically to stable.

This FC5 build won't be updated on a regular basis,
since it is not one of our standard platforms (it was
built offsite)."

Just for kicks, I linked the FC5 tksurfer into my freesurfer_centos bin, and that also seems to work. Thus I can use the centos_3.0.3 version of everything except tksurfer, for which I use the FC5 version
[EMAIL PROTECTED] local]# cd freesurfer_centos_3.0.3/bin/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# mv tksurfer tksurferorig
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ln -s ../../freesurfer_fc5_3/bin/tksurfer .

I'm only in it for the glory.

>  Glenn Lawyer                   <
>  +352 061 967 244               <
>  Instituttgruppe for psykiatri  <
>  Postboks 1130 Blindern         < 
>  0318 Oslo                      <
<     >
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