Do you mean that you have an average subject that you want to use or
that you need to make one? The talairach brain is an average.
On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, Paymon Hosseini wrote:
i used the following commands to create a group subjects:
func2tal-sess -res 4 -analysis rk_enc2_sm5 -sf sessid -df sesspar
isxavg-fe-sess -analysis rk_enc2_sm5 -sf sessid -df sesspar -group
Y15ENC2_sm5_grp -space tal
stxgrinder-sess -analysis rk_enc2_sm5 -all -space tal -s Y15ENC2_sm5_grp
i use this command to view the results:
tkmedit-sess -analysis rk_enc2_sm5 -map sig -s Y15ENC2_sm5_grp -space tal
-isxavg fixed -c omnibus
the output is:
tkmedit-sess logfile is
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/engram/12/users/pman/rk_fmri/STRUCTS
INFO: Found session in: ./Y15ENC2_sm5_grp
INFO: Y15ENC2_sm5_grp is a group average
INFO: Found session in: ./Y15ENC2_sm5_grp
INFO: Y15ENC2_sm5_grp is a group average
INFO: subject is talairach
INFO: subject is talairach
INFO: Anatomical directory set to
SUBJECTS_DIR /space/engram/12/users/pman/rk_fmri/STRUCTS
tkmedit talairach orig -overlay
-fthresh 2 -fmid 5 -fslope 1 -aux brain
Reading 7 control points...
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/lib/tcl/tkm_common.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/lib/
the figure looks fine, but, i would like to be able to see the functional
maps on an average-subject hi-res structural map. can you please tell me how
to do this?
i am using "nmrenv" on engram.nmr.mgh.
thanks a lot,
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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