You need to install afni. It used to be that we distributed afni with freesurfer but we dont any more.


Olivier Piguet wrote:

Good morning,

I recently installed the new version of FreeSurfer and have been re-familiarising myself with the steps/procedures. I followed the FreeSurfer and FsFast tutorial which went fine until I tried the step described in the FsFastTutorial/700: Motion correct the data. When I ran the command:

mc-sess -sf sessid -df sesspar

I received the following error message:

Logfile is /home/olivierp/BERT_TUTORIAL_ANALYSES/log/mc-bert-functional-bold.log
RunList: 007 008 009
Targ Stem is 007/f
  ------- ************************** -----------
  ------- Motion Correcting Run 007 -----------
  ------- ************************** -----------
sess = bert-functional
Fri May 26 08:27:34 EST 2006
mc-afni -i 007/f -o 007/fmc -t 007/f -toff 0 -ipr 3.12500000000000000000 -bpr 6. 00000007484366104649 -TR 2
ERROR: cannot find AFNI command to3d

Any help/suggestion on how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Olivier Piguet

Olivier Piguet, Ph

Olivier Piguet, Ph.D.

Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute

Barker St

Randwick NSW 2031



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MGH-NMR Center
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