I have some labels that I've drawn, which correspond to the gyral crown and 
sulcal fundus of a given ROI. From what I understand, mean curvature provides 
an index of the convexity/concavity of the region. I would therefore have 
expected high positive values in the gyral ROI to represent a steeper peak in 
the curvature of the crown, with values closed to zero representing a more 
flattened gyrus. Converseley, I would have thought low negative values for the 
fundus ROI would represent a steeper peak in the opposite direction, with 
values closer to zero again reflecting flattened curvature.
In reality, the values I get for both sulcal and gyral labels (using 
mris_anatomical_stats) tend to be both positive. 
Hoping someone could tell me what I'm missing? 

Thanks in advance,

Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
National Neuroscience Facility
The University of Melbourne
Levels 2 & 3, Alan Gilbert Building
161 Barry St
Carlton South Vic 3053 Australia
Ph:    +61 3 8344 1624
Fax:   +61 3 9348 0469

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