Hi Anthony,
a couple of things. First, we do have a metric preservation term in
the inflation, so that not too much metric distortion is incurred during
the deformation. But the real answer to your question is that there is
correspondene between the inflated and other (e.g. white) surfaces, so we
can always transfer information like thickness, which is a propert of the
white and pial surfaces, to be visualized on the inflated.
On Thu, 18 May
2006, anthony gallo wrote:
Hello all,
Can some one edify me regarding how FreeSurfer is able to maintain the same
basic brain geometry (hemisphere shape) when it creates an inflated file
image. I would figure that some areas (because of deeper sulci) would blow
up (produce more inflated surface) much differently than others thus not
maintaining the basic shape. I was thinking that maybe the program just
flattens it all period, but then I wouldn't really be able to explain how
you can still view the respective cortical thickness data because that too
must correspond with all the nooks and crannies.............
I appreciate your help,
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