Hi Bruce etal,

It appears that the new 3.0.2 version of freesurfer does no longer
require volumes to be 256^3 voxels at 1mm^3 each.  Is there a wiki page
on revised coordinate systems for the MRI and surface data?

I would prefer to continue working with 256^3 @ 1mm^3 voxels (some other
software we are using benefits from this reslicing).  Can I specify this
at the stage of mri_convert?  Will it carry through to recon-all?

Thanks, Darren


Darren L. Weber, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar

Dynamic Neuroimaging Laboratory,
UCSF Department of Radiology,
185 Berry Street, Suite 350, Box 0946,
San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.

Tel: +1 415 353-9444
Fax: +1 415 353-9421
www: http://dnl.ucsf.edu/users/dweber

"To explicate the uses of the brain seems as difficult
a task as to paint the soul, of which it is commonly
said, that it understands all things but itself."
  Thomas Willis (The Anatomy of the Brain and Nerves, 1664)

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