why do you want parameter maps? What acquisitions do you have?
On Fri, 5 May 2006, adam walczak wrote:

Ok. Thanks.  So what would the data I use to make the parameter maps also work 
for the reconstruction pipeline?


Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: you don't need it at all if you have T1 
weighted data. Only if you're
interested in the parameter maps themselves.

On Thu, 4 May 2006, adam
walczak wrote:

At what point in the processing pipeline is mri_ms_fitparms?

I am trying to convert data without header information (TE, TR, Flip angle) to data that 
freesurfer can use using mri_ms_fitparms and entering that info. This creates a T1 and PD 
image but I want to run it through the entire reconstruction. So I was wondering two 
things: 1) when should the mri_ms_fitparms be done on the data and 2) what point in the 
pipeline does it "spit out" the data?



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