009/fmc_vs does not exist. I've added a better error trap.


Kathryn Devaney wrote:
Hello all,

I'm running into two errors running selxavg-sess, and I haven't seen them
anywhere in the archives.  I get the same errors in the stable and the dev

I don't know if this is significant, but I have two versions of this data,
one version was projfrac'd and the other was not. The non-projfrac data
does not return the errors - I re-ran projfrac but got the same errors

Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Thanks very much!

The command that I used for projrac was:

cd <run_dir>
mris_volsmooth --i fmc.bhdr --o fmc_vs.bhdr --projfrac-avg 0 1 .1 --fwhm 0
--reg ../register.dat

And here's the output for mkanalysis and selxavg:

whatever:color_orientation_20060403/mystudy% pwd
whatever:color_orientation_20060403/mystudy% mkanalysis-sess.new -sf
sessid -df sesspar -motioncor -fsd bold -paradigm paradigm_color.par -dt
blocked -mcextreg -polyfit 2 -gammafit 2.25 1.25 -TR 5.8 -nconditions 2
-timewindow 23.6 -funcstem fmc_vs -analysis subj27_color_volsmooth -force
INFO:  analysis subj27_color_volsmooth exists, but overwrite forced by user.
Completed successfully
whatever:color_orientation_20060403/mystudy% selxavg-sess -sf sessid -df
sesspar -a subj27_color_volsmooth -noomnibus
INFO: WhitenFlag = 0
selxavg-sess logfile is
Thu Apr 27 10:20:39 EDT 2006
INFO (color_orientation_20060403): RunList = 005 006 007 008 009 010 011
012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029
030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047
selxavg2 -TR 5.8 -parname paradigm_color.par -o subj27_color_volsmooth/h
-i 005/fmc_vs -i 006/fmc_vs -i 007/fmc_vs -i 008/fmc_vs -i 009/fmc_vs -i
010/fmc_vs -i 011/fmc_vs -i 012/fmc_vs -i 013/fmc_vs -i 014/fmc_vs -i
015/fmc_vs -i 016/fmc_vs -i 017/fmc_vs -i 018/fmc_vs -i 019/fmc_vs -i
020/fmc_vs -i 021/fmc_vs -i 022/fmc_vs -i 023/fmc_vs -i 024/fmc_vs -i
025/fmc_vs -i 026/fmc_vs -i 027/fmc_vs -i 028/fmc_vs -i 029/fmc_vs -i
030/fmc_vs -i 031/fmc_vs -i 032/fmc_vs -i 033/fmc_vs -i 034/fmc_vs -i
035/fmc_vs -i 036/fmc_vs -i 037/fmc_vs -i 038/fmc_vs -i 039/fmc_vs -i
040/fmc_vs -i 041/fmc_vs -i 042/fmc_vs -i 043/fmc_vs -i 044/fmc_vs -i
045/fmc_vs -i 046/fmc_vs -i 047/fmc_vs -cfg
-ipr 0.89690721666667
cat: /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/docs/version: No such file or
--- Parsing Config File:
-gammafit 2.25 1.25 -timewindow 23.2 -prestim 0 -polyfit 2 -TER 5.8 -nskip
0 -fwhm 0 -extreg mcextreg -nextreg 3
Logfile is subj27_color_volsmooth/h_sxa.log
matlab file is /tmp/sxa_17501.m
----------- Matlab file --------------
% Matlab file for selxavg2 Thu Apr 27 10:21:05 EDT 2006
% This file may be deleted
% /tmp/sxa_17501.m
global QuitOnError;
QuitOnError = 1;
r = fast_selxavg( '-TR', '5.8', '-parname', 'paradigm_color.par', '-o',
'subj27_color_volsmooth/h', '-i', '005/fmc_vs', '-i', '006/fmc_vs', '-i',
'007/fmc_vs', '-i', '008/fmc_vs', '-i', '009/fmc_vs', '-i', '010/fmc_vs',
'-i', '011/fmc_vs', '-i', '012/fmc_vs', '-i', '013/fmc_vs', '-i',
'014/fmc_vs', '-i', '015/fmc_vs', '-i', '016/fmc_vs', '-i', '017/fmc_vs',
'-i', '018/fmc_vs', '-i', '019/fmc_vs', '-i', '020/fmc_vs', '-i',
'021/fmc_vs', '-i', '022/fmc_vs', '-i', '023/fmc_vs', '-i', '024/fmc_vs',
'-i', '025/fmc_vs', '-i', '026/fmc_vs', '-i', '027/fmc_vs', '-i',
'028/fmc_vs', '-i', '029/fmc_vs', '-i', '030/fmc_vs', '-i', '031/fmc_vs',
'-i', '032/fmc_vs', '-i', '033/fmc_vs', '-i', '034/fmc_vs', '-i',
'035/fmc_vs', '-i', '036/fmc_vs', '-i', '037/fmc_vs', '-i', '038/fmc_vs',
'-i', '039/fmc_vs', '-i', '040/fmc_vs', '-i', '041/fmc_vs', '-i',
'042/fmc_vs', '-i', '043/fmc_vs', '-i', '044/fmc_vs', '-i', '045/fmc_vs',
'-i', '046/fmc_vs', '-i', '047/fmc_vs', '-cfg',
'-ipr', '0.89690721666667');

------- matlab output --------------------

                              < M A T L A B >
                  Copyright 1984-2003 The MathWorks, Inc.
              Version Release 13 (Service Pack 1)
                                Aug  4 2003

  Using Toolbox Path Cache.  Type "help toolbox_path_cache" for more info.
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory:
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory:
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory:
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory:

  To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
  For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.

$Id: fast_selxavg.m,v 2006/04/06 22:31:16 greve
Exp $
Parsing Arguments
Checking Parameters
AutoStimDur: 0
StimDur: Number of Runs: 43
Input Volume List
  1  005/fmc_vs
  2  006/fmc_vs
  3  007/fmc_vs
  4  008/fmc_vs
  5  009/fmc_vs
  6  010/fmc_vs
  7  011/fmc_vs
  8  012/fmc_vs
  9  013/fmc_vs
  10  014/fmc_vs
  11  015/fmc_vs
  12  016/fmc_vs
  13  017/fmc_vs
  14  018/fmc_vs
  15  019/fmc_vs
  16  020/fmc_vs
  17  021/fmc_vs
  18  022/fmc_vs
  19  023/fmc_vs
  20  024/fmc_vs
  21  025/fmc_vs
  22  026/fmc_vs
  23  027/fmc_vs
  24  028/fmc_vs
  25  029/fmc_vs
  26  030/fmc_vs
  27  031/fmc_vs
  28  032/fmc_vs
  29  033/fmc_vs
  30  034/fmc_vs
  31  035/fmc_vs
  32  036/fmc_vs
  33  037/fmc_vs
  34  038/fmc_vs
  35  039/fmc_vs
  36  040/fmc_vs
  37  041/fmc_vs
  38  042/fmc_vs
  39  043/fmc_vs
  40  044/fmc_vs
  41  045/fmc_vs
  42  046/fmc_vs
  43  047/fmc_vs
Input Pardigm File List
  1  005/paradigm_color.par
  2  006/paradigm_color.par
  3  007/paradigm_color.par
  4  008/paradigm_color.par
  5  009/paradigm_color.par
  6  010/paradigm_color.par
  7  011/paradigm_color.par
  8  012/paradigm_color.par
  9  013/paradigm_color.par
  10  014/paradigm_color.par
  11  015/paradigm_color.par
  12  016/paradigm_color.par
  13  017/paradigm_color.par
  14  018/paradigm_color.par
  15  019/paradigm_color.par
  16  020/paradigm_color.par
  17  021/paradigm_color.par
  18  022/paradigm_color.par
  19  023/paradigm_color.par
  20  024/paradigm_color.par
  21  025/paradigm_color.par
  22  026/paradigm_color.par
  23  027/paradigm_color.par
  24  028/paradigm_color.par
  25  029/paradigm_color.par
  26  030/paradigm_color.par
  27  031/paradigm_color.par
  28  032/paradigm_color.par
  29  033/paradigm_color.par
  30  034/paradigm_color.par
  31  035/paradigm_color.par
  32  036/paradigm_color.par
  33  037/paradigm_color.par
  34  038/paradigm_color.par
  35  039/paradigm_color.par
  36  040/paradigm_color.par
  37  041/paradigm_color.par
  38  042/paradigm_color.par
  39  043/paradigm_color.par
  40  044/paradigm_color.par
  41  045/paradigm_color.par
  42  046/paradigm_color.par
  43  047/paradigm_color.par
Output Volume  subj27_color_volsmooth/h
TR    5.800000
TER   5.800000
Total   Window  23.2
PreStim Window  0
Remove Baseline 1
Remove Trend    0
Remove QTrend   0
Rescale Target  0
nSkip           0
InPlane Res     0.896907
FWHM            0
Hanning Radius  0
Time Offset     0
GammaFit        1
1  2.25  1.25
GammaFit Alpha: 2
Seg Brain/Air   1
SynthSeed       0
ExtReg File   mcextreg
NExtReg       3
ExtRegOrthog  0
firstslice   0
nslices      26
nyqreg       0
SynthSeed =          0
Conditions Found (2):  1  2
Run  1:   8   7
Run  2:   8   7
Run  3:   8   7
Run  4:   8   7
Run  5:   8   8
Run  6:   8   8
Run  7:   8   8
Run  8:   8   8
Run  9:   8   8
Run 10:   8   8
Run 11:   8   8
Run 12:   8   8
Run 13:   8   8
Run 14:   8   8
Run 15:   8   8
Run 16:   8   8
Run 17:   8   8
Run 18:   8   8
Run 19:   8   8
Run 20:   8   8
Run 21:   8   8
Run 22:   8   8
Run 23:   8   8
Run 24:   8   8
Run 25:   8   8
Run 26:   8   8
Run 27:   8   8
Run 28:   8   8
Run 29:   8   8
Run 30:   8   8
Run 31:   8   8
Run 32:   8   8
Run 33:   8   8
Run 34:   8   8
Run 35:   8   8
Run 36:   8   8
Run 37:   8   8
Run 38:   8   8
Run 39:   8   8
Run 40:   8   8
Run 41:   8   8
Run 42:   8   8
Run 43:   8   8
Slice 0, 0.000334 --------------
  First Pass (Accumulation), 0.006474
     Run 1/43, 0.007439
       Excluding 0 Points:
     Run 2/43, 1.23839
       Excluding 0 Points:
     Run 3/43, 2.14573
       Excluding 0 Points:
     Run 4/43, 3.051
       Excluding 0 Points:
     Run 5/43, 3.97482
       Excluding 0 Points:
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:singularMatrix" to suppress this warning.)
In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_polytrendmtx.m at
line 35
  In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_selxavg.m at line 285
Warning: Divide by zero.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:divideByZero" to suppress this warning.)
at line 33
  In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_polytrendmtx.m at
line 37
  In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_selxavg.m at line 285
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:singularMatrix" to suppress this warning.)
In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_polytrendmtx.m at
line 35
  In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_selxavg.m at line 285
Warning: Divide by zero.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:divideByZero" to suppress this warning.)
at line 33
  In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_polytrendmtx.m at
line 37
  In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_selxavg.m at line 285
Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.
(Type "warning off MATLAB:singularMatrix" to suppress this warning.)
In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_polytrendmtx.m at
line 47
  In /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_selxavg.m at line 285
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in ==> /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fmri_par2scm.m
On line 112  ==>       c1(1) = Pulses(1);

Error in ==> /usr/local/freesurfer/stable/fsfast/toolbox/fast_selxavg.m
On line 324  ==>       Xfir =

??? Undefined function or variable 'r'.

quiting matlab
ERROR: fast_selxavg() failed\n
selxavg failed
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

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