Dear all,

I am just writing to report that we are still having the problem I reported before even after the the latest NVidia graphic driver was installed. Our system administrators say that they cannot be certain that it is really a driver problem.

Thank you,

Ryu Hashimoto


I had the exact same problem on x64 Ubuntu with both 32-bit and 64-bit FS distros. After installing the most recent nVidia graphics driver, either distribution works fine.

*From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Ryuichiro Hashimoto
*Sent:* Mon 4/17/2006 3:40 PM
*To:* Nick Schmansky
*Cc:* Freesurfer Mailing List
*Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] FS on Fedore Core5

Hello Nick,

I tried the 32-bit disbribution (centos4-stable-pub-v.3.0.1-full) on
FC5. This time I did not get any error message but the result did not
show up correctly ... it showed only the very tip of the brain (as shown
in the attached fig).

Again, any suggestion would be much appreaciated.

Thank you,


Nick Schmansky wrote:
 > Ryu,
 > I haven't encountered this error myself, nor do I have experience with
 > FC5, however, googling 'GLXBadLargeRequest' turns-up a post that this
 > 'occurs when when you're remotely displaying a 64-bit VMD session to a
 > 32-bit implementation of OpenGL64-bit'.  Perhaps FC5 has a 32bit OpenGL
 > implementation, in which case, you could try running the 32-bit version
 > of the freesurfer distribution (which will run on 64bit systems).  That
 > would be freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-pub-v3.0.1-full.
 > Nick
 > On Mon, 2006-04-17 at 11:15 -0400, Ryu-Ichiro Hashimoto wrote:
 >>I have been using FreeSurfer on Dell Linux computer (64 bit) with Fedore
 >>Core 4 by downloading
 >>[freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v3.0.1-full] and had no
 >>Recently our lab changed Linux distribution from Fedore Core 4 to 5 and
 >>I got the following message when I ran test commands.
 >>tksurfer test1 rh pial
 >>surfer: current subjects dir: /projects/fmri/fs_data
 >>surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
 >>surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
 >>surfer:     /projects/fmri/fs
 >>surfer: Reading header info from /projects/fmri/fs_data/test1/mri/T1.mgz
 >>surfer: vertices=147407, faces=294810
 >>surfer: single buffered window
 >>Received X error!
 >>     Error code   : 165
 >>     Request code : 145
 >>     Minor code   : 2
 >>     Error text : 'GLXBadLargeRequest'
 >>The other test commands for tkmedit (tkmedit test1 orig.mgz, tkmedit
 >>test1 norm.mgz -segmentation mri/aseg.mgz ...) displayed the results
 >>If you could give me any suggestion what to do (without going back to
 >>FC4 ... I have no control over it), it would be much appreciated.
 >>Thank you,
 >>Ryu Hashimoto
 >>Freesurfer mailing list

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