is this a new installation, or existing installation?

is this the first time nu_correct has run, or has it run in prior

does the error repeat when re-run?

which linux distribution is in use (date)?

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 15:24 -0400, Frederick Powell wrote:
> Hello I am a Grad student with Dr. Killiany at Boston University.  I
> am running auto recon with a Linux Centos machine.  So I am running
> the auto recon on his system while controlling from my mac machine.  I
> recieved the following error.  I am not Linux savy so will need some
> detailed help.  Thanks
> nu_correct: crashed while running nu_estimate_np_and_em (termination
> status=65280)
> ERROR: nu_correct
> --
> Frederick G. Powell
> Boston University School of Medicine
> MD/PhD candidate
> 617-593-7183
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