Hi, Darren,

I once made an animated gif of a rotating brain showing some freesurfer results. I did this with two scripts. The first is a tcl script that was passed to tksurfer; it rotates the brain and saves the resulting images. The second is a shell script that uses imagemagik to convert all of the resulting rgb images into one animated gif.

I am attaching the scripts. Please be aware, however, that the tcl script isn't very elegent. I'm actually a little embarassed by it. Also, both scripts are set up for my file system, you will need to edit a few of the settings to get them to work for you.

The tcl script is based on an earlier one I saw on the mailing list, I think it was Doug Greve's, but I'm not sure. I don't give credit in the script itself, sorry for the oversight!

It is not an aesthetic process; it's a form 
of magic that interposes itself between us 
and the hostile universe, a means of seizing 
power by imposing a form on our terrors as 
well as on our desires.

>  Glenn Lawyer                   <
>  +352 061 967 244               <
>  Instituttgruppe for psykiatri  <
>  Postboks 1130 Blindern         < 
>  0318 Oslo                      <
<  http://folk.uio.no/davidgl     >
# snapshot.tcl
# tcl script for making pics using tksurfer.
# This script automates a set of tksurfer commands.
# Be sure to check the base directory and the
# regular expression before running!
# Pictures will be put in the images directory
# underneath the basedir.
# You may also want to adjust the thresholds
# and lighting models.
# glenn, sept 2005

# To use: Set all the parameters and then
# pass the script as an argument to tksurfer
# for example:
#      tksurfer average7 lh inflated -tcl snapshots.tcl

# The basedir is where all the w files are found
# You probably need to set this to the correct value
set basedir "/home/DARREN/MY_ANALYSIS/"               

# Use a regular expression to find all of the
# *.w files for each hemisphere
foreach wfile [glob ${hemi}*.w] {        
    # read the wfile
    set layr 0
    set val "${basedir}/${wfile}"
    sclv_read_binary_values $layr

    # set thresholds for the overlay
    # and values for the lighting model
    set fthresh 1
    set fslope 1
    set fmid 2
    do_lighting_model 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.2 0.4;

    #   Make and save .rgb images
    set cnt 1
    set imagename [string trim $wfile .w]
    set filestem "/${basedir}/images/${imagename}"
    puts "Taking Snapshots to $filestem";

    make_lateral_view; # sets to default orientation
    set filestem "/${basedir}/images/${cnt}_${imagename}"
    setfile rgb "${filestem}.rgb";
    puts $rgb;
    # rotate up
    set i 0 
    while {$i < 110} {
	rotate_brain_x -1;
	incr i 1;
	incr cnt 1;
	set filestem "/${basedir}/images/${cnt}_${imagename}"
	setfile rgb "${filestem}.rgb";
	puts $rgb;
    # rotate down/towards
    set i 0
    while {$i < 90} {
	rotate_brain_x 1;
	rotate_brain_y -1;
	rotate_brain_z 1;
	incr i 1;
	incr cnt 1;
	set filestem "/${basedir}/images/${cnt}_${imagename}"
	setfile rgb "${filestem}.rgb";
	puts $rgb;
    # rotate down/away
    set i 0
    while {$i < 20} {
	rotate_brain_x -1;
	rotate_brain_y 1;
	incr i 1;
	incr cnt 1;
	set filestem "/${basedir}/images/${cnt}_${imagename}"
	setfile rgb "${filestem}.rgb";
	puts $rgb;
    # rotate away
    rotate_brain_y -90;
    set i 0 
    set j 0
    while {$i < 100} {
	rotate_brain_y 2;
	if {$j < 20 && $j > -1} {
	    rotate_brain_x 1;
	    rotate_brain_z -1;}
	if {$j >= 30 && $j < 50} {
	    rotate_brain_x -1;
	    rotate_brain_z 1;}
	if {$j == 60} {
	    set j -10;}
	if {$i > 79} { set j 3}
	incr j 1;
	incr i 1;
	incr cnt 1;
	set filestem "/${basedir}/images/${cnt}_${imagename}"
	setfile rgb "${filestem}.rgb";
	puts $rgb;
    # rotate up
    set i 0
    while {$i < 40} {
	rotate_brain_x 1;
	rotate_brain_y -1;
	rotate_brain_z -1;
	incr i 1;
	incr cnt 1;
	set filestem "/${basedir}/images/${cnt}_${imagename}"
	setfile rgb "${filestem}.rgb";
	puts $rgb;
    # rotate up
    set i 0
    while {$i < 40} {
#	rotate_brain_x -1;
	rotate_brain_y -1;
	rotate_brain_z -1;
	incr i 1;
	incr cnt 1;
	set filestem "/${basedir}/images/${cnt}_${imagename}"
	setfile rgb "${filestem}.rgb";
	puts $rgb;
    # and back home
    #set i 0
    while {$i < 90} {
	rotate_brain_x -1;
#	rotate_brain_y -1;
	rotate_brain_z -1;
	incr i 1;
	incr cnt 1;
	set filestem "/${basedir}/images/${cnt}_${imagename}"
	setfile rgb "${filestem}.rgb";
	puts $rgb;


Attachment: immagic.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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