check the aseg and see if it's reasonable. Something is badly wrong if there are no lh and rh white matter points that are nbrs.

On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

I've been getting the following error message when running autorecon2-wm with 
some of my images.Any idea as to what might be causing this?

Fill Fri Jan  6 14:15:18 EST 2006
Using transforms/talairach.lta
mri_fill -a ../scripts/ponscc.cut.log -xform transforms/talairach.lta 
-segmentation aseg.mgz wm.mgz filled.mgz
logging cutting plane coordinates to ../scripts/ponscc.cut.log...
INFO: Using transforms/talairach.lta and its offset for Talairach volume ...
using segmentation aseg.mgz...
reading input volume...done.
searching for cutting planes...voxel to talairach voxel transform
1.120   0.025  -0.148   4.472;
0.007   1.256   0.182  -50.337;
0.160  -0.148   1.109  -29.027;
0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
voxel to talairach voxel transform
1.120   0.025  -0.148   4.472;
0.007   1.256   0.182  -50.337;
0.160  -0.148   1.109  -29.027;
0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
mri_fill: could not find any points where lh and rh wm  are nbrs
INFO: Modifying dst c_(r,a,s), using the transform dst
INFO: Modifying dst c_(r,a,s), using the transform dst
reading segmented volume aseg.mgz...
INFO: Modifying dst c_(r,a,s), using the transform dst
ERROR: mri_fill exited with non-zero status
Linux flanders 2.4.26 #2 SMP Tue Dec 14 03:07:23 EST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
recon-all exited with errors at Fri Jan  6 14:16:07 EST 2006

Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
The University of Melbourne

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