This isn't for an annotation automatically labelled using mris_ca_label; I've 
simply manually traced my ROIs then saved out an annotation by assigning labels 
from the colour table in tksurfer. At this stage I'd like to get stats on my 
manual ROIs.
Does -b only give labels if the automatic parcellation is used?
If so, would the order of ROIs appearing in the stats output table (e.g., the 
one below) always be the same as the order in the colour table? 
Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
The University of Melbourne


From: Bruce Fischl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 31/12/2005 12:54 AM
To: Fornito, Alexander
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mris_anatomical_stats on custom annot

Hi Alex,

did you run mris_ca_train with -t <color table>? If so, it should embed
the color table in the .gcs file, then get probagated to the .annot, so
you shouldn't have to specify anything to mris_anatomical_stats.

On Fri, 30
Dec 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to run mris_anatomical_stats on a custom parcellation, but am 
> having problems because I don't know what the flag to speficy the appropriate 
> colour table is. If I run the -b option, I get output but with no labels. If 
> I run -f, I get a message saying that no colour table is loaded. Commands and 
> output are below.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -a acc.annot -b 1000908 lh white
> INFO: assuming MGZ format for volumes.
> computing statistics for each annotation in acc.annot.
> reading volume 
> /data/flanders/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_fe/1000908/mri/wm.mgz...
> reading input surface 
> /data/flanders/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_fe/1000908/surf/lh.white...
> INFO: Volume /tmp/mritotal_1614/nu_8_dxyz.mnc cannot be found.
> done.
> computing second fundamental form... ... done.
> total white matter volume               = 442238 mm^3
> table columns are:
>    number of vertices
>    total surface area (mm^2)
>    total gray matter volume (mm^3)
>    average cortical thickness +- standard deviation (mm)
>    integrated rectified mean curvature
>    integrated rectified Gaussian curvature
>    folding index
>    intrinsic curvature index
>    structure name
> 111575  75355  185201  2.472 +- 0.836     0.190     0.061  1980.885  250.831  
> ** annotation 003c1400
>  444    269    715  2.685 +- 0.637     0.110     0.021    1.601   0.402  ** 
> annotation 00dc3c3c
>  891    578   1588  2.777 +- 0.537     0.187     0.034   15.162   1.149  ** 
> annotation 003c3c8c
>  213    126    392  3.145 +- 0.924     0.152     0.034    2.943   0.297  ** 
> annotation 003c6464
>   82     40    152  3.785 +- 0.634     0.070     0.011    0.196   0.034  ** 
> annotation 00b4648c
>  567    334    906  2.723 +- 0.503     0.103     0.020    2.385   0.434  ** 
> annotation 00b48c3c
> 1093    709   2195  3.051 +- 0.793     0.206     0.078   20.688   3.225  ** 
> annotation 003c643c
>  240    139    311  2.247 +- 0.872     0.085     0.010    0.454   0.149  ** 
> annotation 008c143c
> *OR*
> mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -a acc.annot -f ./1000908.txt 1000908 lh white
> INFO: assuming MGZ format for volumes.
> computing statistics for each annotation in acc.annot.
> reading volume 
> /data/flanders/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_fe/1000908/mri/wm.mgz...
> reading input surface 
> /data/flanders/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_fe/1000908/surf/lh.white...
> INFO: Volume /tmp/mritotal_1614/nu_8_dxyz.mnc cannot be found.
> done.
> computing second fundamental form... ... done.
> total white matter volume               = 442238 mm^3
> mris_anatomical_stats: no color table loaded - cannot translate annot  file
> Alex Fornito
> M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
> Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
> The University of Melbourne
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