oh yeah, you're right. Unless no tal exists, in which case it's "volume scanner".

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

actually, I think it needs to be talairach coords. The next version will
use indicies (and so will be independent of the tal transform).


you need to use the "volume scanner coords" in tkmedit, not the indices.

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, Sven Panis wrote:

Hi surfers,

I experience a problem during the first step of the create surface
routine : fill white matter. Specifically, the ponscall.dat file in
mri/tmp is empty and at the start of step two (tessellate RH white
matter) I'm asked to confirm that "the images in .../mri/filled/COR-0
cannot be found .... wmfill first."

I have already tried to enter the coordinates of the corpus callosum and
the pons manually (paying attention to the fact that xTal = coronal,
yTal = horizontal, zTal = saggital + to make sure the cc is
disconnected), without result... (I use the values in the Volume Index,
no Talairachs).

Do I have to pay attention to other things when entering coordinates

Or does anyone of you have an idea about what's going wrong?

Any help appreciated!

Thanks and enjoy the holidays,

Sven Panis

University of Leuven
Department of Psychology
Tiensestraat 102
3000 Leuven BELGIUM
tel: +32-16-32.60.94

Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm

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