I've encountered similar problems. Do you know if it's specific to the 
autorecon2 flag? I'm wondering if  running each process separately and 
sequentially get around it, e.g,  running recon-all -normalization2, then 
recon-all -segmentation, then recon-all -fill, etc...


Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
The University of Melbourne

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Bruce Fischl
Sent: Mon 21/11/2005 11:03 PM
To: Martin Ystad
Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Normalization problem
Hi Martin,

we're looking into it - it's probably a bug in recon-all.

On Mon, 21 Nov 
2005, Martin Ystad wrote:

> I'm working on the latest developmental release for Rh. 9. and I'm
> having problems with the normalization procedures on my datasets.
> My datasets have large intensity inhomogeneities due to their
> acquisition with a surface coil (8-ch. GE).
> To fix this problem I have resorted to the use of control points. This
> works if I add enough points across the brain ( over 200), and I get a
> better normalization result after running "recon-all -normalization
> -usecontrolpoints" and another skull-stripping on the new T1-volume.
> To test whether or not this produces a good segmentaition of white
> matter, I run mri_segment on my brain.mgz -volume. If I'm satisfied with
> the segmentation result, I move on to the surface  processing stage, and
> run the -autorecon2 -script.
> The problem is that after running the -autorecon2, the normalization is
> completely wrong again, looking more like the first normalization done
> without control points, and the wm.mgz -volume is also bad. So are the
> surfaces.
> How do I make freesurfer produce the same good results as I got during
> the first normalization? Do I need to specify the use of control points
> again, even though the brain.mgz volume looks ok?
> Thanks,
> Martin Ystad
> Medical Student
> University of Bergen
> Institute of Biomedicine
> Jonas Lies vei 91, 5009
> Bergen, Norway.
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