Thanks Oleg.  We'll stick with Caret, I was just wondering if that ever was done.

On Nov 9, 2005, at 1:27 PM, Oleg E. Gusyatin wrote:

Hi Mark,

It was in our plans to create a primate parcellation, but then priorities 
shifted and I never got around to do that. But if set out to do it, I 
believe Bruce has recommended 10-15 brains as a sufficient number. 



On Mon, 7 Nov 2005, Mark Pinsk wrote:

I remember Oleg Gusyatin posted some time ago about wanting to make a
macaque parcellation.
Just wondering if that was ever done, and if so, would it be accessible to
users by any chance :) ?
I know I can use Caret, but we're all using freesurfer for human data here
so I was just wondering.
thx- mark


if you could outline the manual parcellation procedure (formats of
required files, size of the training set, etc.), I would do it with
help of an anatomist.


On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Bruce Fischl wrote:

Hi Oleg,

someone would need to manually parcellate a set of macaque brains
10-15 should be sufficient).


Mark A. Pinsk, Ph.D.
Green 3-C-5, Dept. of Psychology
Princeton U., Princeton NJ 08544
(609) 258-8318

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