I am having difficulty running mri_watershed within autorecon1 on two scans, visually the orig volumes look completely normal, but mri_watershed exits with intensity-related errors

The data I have been trying to run this on is located in


recon-all-log error message:

mri_watershed T1.mgz brain.mgz

The input file is T1.mgz
The output file is brain.mgz
If this is incorrect, please exit quickly the program (Ctl-C)

preflooding height equal to 25 percent
      first estimation of the COG coord: x=127 y=135 z=131 r=101
      first estimation of the main basin volume: 4371827 voxels
w=White Matter =Intensity too high (>240)...valid input ?
ERROR: mri_watershed exited with non-zero status
Linux node0078 2.6.9-11.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jun 8 17:54:20 CDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
recon-all exited with errors at Wed Oct 12 14:45:26 EDT 2005

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