Would manually changing the intensities in brain volume using the configure 
volume brush tool in tkmedit help? Shoudl white matter be re-labelled as 255? 
What would be a good value for grey matter?

-----Original Message-----
From:   Bruce Fischl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 9/20/2005 2:19 PM
To:     Fornito, Alexander
Cc:     Doug Greve; freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject:        RE: [Freesurfer] Autorecon re-processing
probably susceptibility problems. Try putting  some control points in the 
wm, but there may not be enough g/w contrast to get good surfaces.

On Tue, 
20 Sep 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

> Sorry, I missed it - forgive my absent mindedness :(
> Onto a more valid problem (I hope!), I've had trouble segmenting the 
> olfactory sulcus on some of my images. The wm wolume seems to segment well, 
> but the orig and/or white surface doesn't follow this. Rather than enter the 
> olfacoty sulcus, only partially enters it. I was curious as to why the 
> orig/white surface would not follow the surface of the wm volume, and if 
> there is anyway to fix it?
> Thanks,
> Alex
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tue 9/20/2005 4:03 AM
> To:   Fornito, Alexander
> Cc:   freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Subject:      Re: [Freesurfer] Autorecon re-processing
> does your version not tell you these things when you run -help?
> Fornito, Alexander wrote:
>> HI,
>> Just wanted to check a few things re: re-running autorecon.
>> I'm guessing that re-running autorecon with the -pial flag re-runs 
>> make_final_surfaces, which takes about 4-6 hours (correct?).
>> What is re-run when the -wm and -cp flags are used, and how long do they 
>> take?
>>> From what I understand, -cp would require re-running everything from 
>>> intensity normalization on, including the subcortical segmentation, while 
>>> -wm would require re-running the topology fixer and final surfaces.
>> Does this sound about right?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
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