Hi Bruce and Florent,
Your comments re: isoptropic voxels raised a question for me. How is mgz 
different to cor format? Does mri_convert not interpolate to 1mm3 for mgz?
The imaging parameters are: 
IR prep time, 500 ms; TE minimum, 2.8 ms; TR 13.9 ms; bandwidth, 15.63 kHz; 1 
NEX; 20° flip angle; 2 mm contiguous slices; FOV 24 cm; up to 128 volumes for 
full brain coverage; 512 (frequency, SI) by 256 (phase) matrix, zipped to 512 
in phase direction with extended dynamic range.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: florent segonne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Wed 14/09/2005 6:29 AM 
        To: Bruce Fischl 
        Cc: Fornito, Alexander; freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
        Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] large radius

        Hi Alex,
        I think that mri_watershed is 'incorrectly' assuming 1*1*1mmm isotropic
        voxels. We'll update the code so that it won't stop there.
        Florent Segonne
        PhD Candidate
        Stata Center 32-D430 CSAIL MIT
        1 617 253 2986
        On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, Bruce Fischl wrote:
        > Hi Alex,
        > the 2mm slice thickness could be trouble. Usually we don't recommend 
        > to recon cortical models with any dimension greater than 1.5mm. Why do
        > anisotropic? Can you describe the rest of the acquisition parameters?
        > Bruce
        > On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:
        >> HI,
        >> I've got some 3T SPGR data (512 x 512 x 104, vox dim. 0.488 x 0.488 
x 2). I
        >> seem to be able to convert them to .mgz ok, but when I run 
mri_watershed I
        >> get  an error saying "main radius too high" (output below). Any 
ideas as to
        >> what's happening?
        >> Thanks,
        >> Alex
        >> mri_watershed 1001670.mgz 1001670_brain.mgz
        >> ************************************************************
        >> The input file is 1001670.mgz
        >> The output file is 1001670_brain.mgz
        >> If this is incorrect, please exit quickly the program (Ctl-C)
        >> *************************WATERSHED**************************
        >> preflooding height equal to 25 percent
        >> Sorting...
        >>      first estimation of the COG coord: x=253 y=50 z=235 r=135
        >>      first estimation of the main basin volume: 10415397 voxels
        >> Error
        >> main radius too high
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