
I'm trying to make an average surface using the latest version of
make_average_surface (2005/08/02 19:14:20 nicks Exp), and I got the same error
as posted in the following message: 
http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg01135.html, with a
segmentation fault when mris_average_surface is called (I get the same
segmentation fault when running mris_average_surface alone):

mris_make_average_surface -i 7 -o orig rh orig_avg sphere.reg average_test subj1
processing subject subj1...
The following must be revisited*******************************************
Segmentation fault

I did not find in the mailing list how to solve this, thank you very much for
your help,

Marie Schaer

Freesurfer mailing list

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