Hi Tim,

I'm not quite sure what you are asking. What do you mean by "single
FreeSurfer rendering"? What are you using to analyze your functional
data? If you've normalized your functional data to a template (eg,
MNI305), you can still map the individual's functional to the
individual's surface (as long as the normalization is linear). You
simply need a freesurfer-style registration between your normalized
functional and the freesurfer anatomical (eg, orig volume). You can do
this manually with tkregister2 (run with --help). You can also use
FSL's FLIRT to generate an initial matrix and then check it with
tkregister2. We also have a program called fsl_rigid_register which is
a FLIRT wrapper (run with -help to get docs).


On Mon, 25 Jul 2005, Timothy O'Keefe wrote:

After generating a cortical surface rendering, I would like to overlay my EPI activation maps.

I considered rendering a cortical surface for all my participants but, they are all normalized to MNI space.

Despite the structural variabilities which remain even after normalization, is it still common for people to use a single FreeSurfer rendering for visualization (given all your EPI data are also normalized to MNI)?


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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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