yes, if you specify pial it will be the pial surface area.

On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

Cool, thanks.
On this issue, I've noticed that lables are defined along the wm surface (eg., when you load them 
in tkmedit, they do not appear long the pial surface). As such, when I assume that "total 
surface area" in mris_anatomical_stats corresponds to the area of this specified wm surface 
when white is specified as the surface in the command line. If pial is specified, does "total 
surface area" refer to the surface area of the pial surface defined by the vertices linked to 
those on the wm surface label (ie., those that were deformed out from the wm), or does it refer to 
a surface selected by some other means? I have some manually delineated labels (obtained from 3D 
overlays) that cover the wm surface of the area I'm interested in, but am unsure of the extent to 
which I need to worry about what parts of the pial surface (or intermediate gm) is included.
Hope this makes sense!

-----Original Message-----
From:   Bruce Fischl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 7/12/2005 1:09 AM
To:     Fornito, Alexander
Subject:        Re: [Freesurfer] Anatomical stats for labels
Hi Alex,

that's a bug - the volume is the total of the surface area of each
triangle times the average thickness there, so the pial will be different
from the white (should just take the average of the two)


On Mon, 11 Jul 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:

I've noticed that when I run mris_anatomical stats on a label, I get a different value 
for "total gray matter volume" if I run it on the pial surface, compared to if 
I run it on the white surface. Just wondering why this is, how the total gray matter 
volume is calculated,  and which one represents the true gray matter volume?

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