The heat kernel sounds cool :). I'll check it out. doug Moo K. Chung wrote: Hi all, heat kernel smoothing and diffusion smoothing are supposed to give the same solution to an isotropic heat equation on the cortex. the difference is that heat kernel smoothing is simpler and there is no need to worry about the convergence. in diffusion smoothing, there might be a ringing effect (divergence) on smoothed data if "delta t" is not small enough. to avoid this problem, you may want to implement backward Euler scheme in solving the diffusion equation, which i haven't done. to avoid this instability problem, i developed the heat kernel smoothing. i feel heat kernel smoothing is far simpler and better approach than diffusion smoothing.SUMA pacakage (AFNI add on) uses diffusion smoothing ported from my original MATLAB code but they are trying to replace with heat kernel smoothing soon. :) i am sorry i will fix the link on diffusion smoothing soon. moo. On 6/29/05, Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Moo, I actually implemented your diffusion smoother but could not quite get it to work. It might have been related to the delta t parameter. Can you give some guidance as to how to set it? What's the difference between heat kernel smoothing and diffusion smoothing? btw, the link to the "Diffusion smoothing on cortex" software on your web page is broken. thanks doug Moo K. Chung wrote: Dear Dr. Park,I guess you are asking about freesurfer related surfacesmoothing.Although I am not exactly sure how FreeSurfer is implmentingsurfacesmoothing, the general theory of suface-based smoothing and FWHMcanbe found in two of my previous publications: Chung, M.K., Worsley, K.J., Paus, T., Cherif, C., Giedd, J.N.,Rapoport, J.L, Evans, A.C. 2001. AUnified Statistical Approach toDeformation-Based Morphometry, NeuroImage14:595-606. Chung,M.K., Robbins,S., Dalton, K.M., Davidson, Alexander, A.L.,R.J., Evans, A.C.2005. Cortical thickness analysis in autism via heatkernel smoothing.NeuroImage 25:1256-1265. Thesesoftwares implemented in MATLAB can be found in my webpage forother type of triangular meshes.Moo. On 6/27/05, Hae-Jeong Park, PhD<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi,I would like to know the relationship between number of iteration insurfacesmoothing and Gaussian kernel size in FWHM. Would you give me someinformation on this? Thank you in advance.Hae-Jeong -- Hae-Jeong Park,PhDAssistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, YonseiUniversity, College of Medicineand Division of Nuclear Medicine, SeveranceHospital Director,Laboratory of Molecular NeuroimgingTechnology Tel) 82-2-2228-2363, Fax)82-2-393-3035Cellur) 82-10-4220-1003_______________________________________________ Freesurfermailing N. Greve, Ph.D. MGH-NMR Center [EMAIL PROTECTED] PhoneNumber: 617-724-2358Fax: 617-726-7422 -- Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D. MGH-NMR Center [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422 |
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