Is there some kind of correspondance between them that is specified in any of 
the files? I'm thinking of trying to use something like the link method 
(desrcibed in the Lerch & Evans, 2005 paper) for estimating thickness, but as I 
understand it, there needs to be some kind of established link between the 
points on each surface.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Bruce Fischl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Wed 6/22/2005 9:20 PM 
        To: Fornito, Alexander 
        Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] vertex correspondance

        Hi Alex,
        yes, all the surfaces of a hemisphere (except qsphere) have the same # 
        vertices/edges and faces. I think Doug has something that will sample 
        mask. mri_vol2label or something like that?
        On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, Fornito, Alexander wrote:
        > Hi again,
        > So many questions!!
        > Is there some sort of correspondence between vertices on the inner 
        > and outer (pial) surfaces? Ie., for every vertex on the inner surface,
        > is there a point on the outer surface, and if so, does Freesurfer 
        > this information in any of the files?
        > Also, I have some binary masks that I have manually traced using 
        > program that I would like to apply to the surfaces to get regional
        > measures of thickness. The mask images are in analyze format. Is there
        > any way that I can do this?
        > Thanks as always,
        > Alex
        > Alexander Fornito
        > M.psych (Clin. Neuro.)/PhD candidate
        > Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
        > The University of Melbourne

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