Hi Renat,

when is your talk? We'll be putting together slides for our upcoming FreeSurfer/FSL course, which I would be happy to loan you. The main other people doing thickness are the MNI folks and the UCLA group. I don't think UCLA distributes their tools, but MNI does. There are two groups at Hopkins also looking at thickness (Jerry Prince and Mike Miller), both of which do very nice work, but I'm not sure if they distribute software or not. I don't think anyone else yet does the complete segmentation that we do, but I could be wrong. Which incidentally we'll be distributing sometime in the next month or so.


On Tue, 21 Jun 2005, Renat Yakupov wrote:


I was wondering if you could help me with the following. I need to prepare a
short ~30 min

presentation on FreeSurfer to medium-to-advanced level MRI (e.g. research

and people actually acquiring, processing and analyzing MR data).

Are there any resources, in addition to FreeSurfer homepage, on FreeSurfer

data processing, etc?

I also need to mention any other software packages that can calculate and

cortical thickness and maybe do sub-cortical grey matter segmentation. Is

any other software available for free out there?

Any input would be appreciated! Thank you.



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