you need to specify the correct direction cosines in mri_convert. The 
problem is that telling left from right posthoc is pretty much impossible 
unless you've used something like vitamin E tablets in the scan.  This is 
why we don't use analyze, unless it comes with an spm-style .mat file 
(which does specify the direction cosines)


Tue, 12 Apr 2005, Wan Park wrote:

> Hello, after parcellating some brains, I have noticed that the program 
> "get confused" and label the occipital as frontal and viceversa.
> I started with img/hdr images. I suspect that this occurs because of a 
> "wrong" direction of the original image before doing mri_convert. Is it 
> true?
> How can I solve this?
> Thanks,
> Wan
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