Hi Daniel -

I've implemented and tested a mechanism to "drive" the dijkstra process from a 
script file. This file contains a set of instructions that are sent, one 
after the other to a "back-end" process that performs the actual search.

It's a pseudo client/server model. The server is 'dijkstra_p1' that operates 
on FreeSurfer surfaces. The main client is 'dijk_dscript.py' that parses 
instructions either from a separate file, or passed directly on the command 
line. This python script handles the handshaking and synchronisation with the 

You don't really have to worry about any of that. I've appended a bash script 
to this email that generates a set of 'dijkstra_p1' instructions, saves them 
to a file, and calls 'dijk_dscript' on this file - as we spoke about 
yesterday. This bash script generates several different scripts set about 
different seed vertices.

Take a look at the file. Most of the code up to line 180 is fluff. The "meat" 
is between lines 182 and 221. I'm sure you'd be able to adapt / expand this 
to suit your needs. 

If you want to try all this out, let me know and I'll help you set up the 
prerequisites. I'm occupied with something for the rest of this afternoon, so 
we can get together tomorrow if you feel like it.


Rudolph Pienaar, M.Eng, D.Eng / email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
149 (2301) 13th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129 USA

Attachment: dijk_meta.bash
Description: application/shellscript

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