
I have a question regarding convertion of raw multi-echo data to 
bfloat format. I used the following command in seychelles:

pbsubmit -c "run-recon-monkey /space/stego/5/users/wim/edgar050218 1  6
7 8 > edgar050218_1.out" -p -m [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The converstion has been done succesfully for one functional run but 
then it has been stoped and there is the following error message:

??? Error using ==> reshape
To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.

Error in ==> /homes/4/greve/anders/mdh_io/read_mdh_adc_VA21.m
On line 114  ==> adc_data = reshape(adc_data, 2, mdh.SamplesInScan);

Error in ==> /homes/4/greve/anders/mdh_io/read_mdh_adc.m
On line 5  ==>  [adc_data, mdh] = read_mdh_adc_VA21(fid);

Error in ==> /homes/4/greve/anders/mdh_io/read_mdh_and_mrprot.m
On line 151  ==>   [adc_data, mdh] = read_mdh_adc(fid,VersionNum);

Error in ==> /homes/4/greve/anders/recon_Monkey_fMRI.m
On line 199  ==>     [kdat1,krev1,ktim1,pcdat1,pcrev1,pctim1,h1] = .. .

I do not know what this error message refers to. I would be thankful if
anyone has a suggestion.

Best Wishes,

Reza Rajimehr, M.D.

NMR Athinoula A. Martinos Center
Department of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
Building 149, 13th St.
Charlestown, MA 02129


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