Dear experts,

Thank you for answering basic question.

Iam using Linux version of Freesurfer on Pen4 PC, and
trying to run "Process Volume" with my anatomical data
which was acquired by Siemens Allegra 3T maschine and
converted to analyze format.

"conversion" and "normalize intensities" were OK and
COR001-COR256 were written in "orig" and "T1" directory.

but next process failed and following message appeared.

No COR-XXX file is written in "brain" directory.

New mri-watershed" file is in bin/Linux directory as
indicated by mailing list.

Thanks in advance

Tetsuya Iidaka
Nagoya University
Department of Psychology


The input file is /home/XXX/freesurfer/subjects/test01/mri/T1
The output file is /home/XXX/freesurfer/subjects/test01/mri/brain
If this is incorrect, please exit quickly the program (Ctl-C)

preflooding height equal to 25 percent
      T1-weighted MRI image
      modification of the preflooding height to 15 percent
      Find the largest 110-component...
Command Finished

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