Hi Ajay,

yes, the vertex indexing is the same for all surface configurations of a 
given surface (e.g. lh.inflated, lh.white, lh.pial, lh.sphere, etc...). 
The ascii patch file format is as follows:

#!ascii version of patch <surface_file_name>
<num vertices> <num faces>
<x> <y> <z>
<vno1> <vno2> <vno3>

where there is one entry for each vertex in the patch, and one entry for 
each face in the patch.


Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Ajay Pillai wrote:

> Hi all,
> Using mris_convert -p   I converted a ?h.patch.flat  file to 
> ?h.patch.flat.asc
> I am not sure I understand the file format correctly. Could some one 
> please help?
> Also is the vertex indexing of faces maintained througout in freesurfer.
> For example if I have a  ?h.pial which I convert to ?h.inflated and then 
> to ?h.flat will the vertex numbers remain the same?
> Will this hold true even if I export them asc.
> Also what is the difference between ?h.sphere and ?h.qsphere ?
> Ajay
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