Dear all-


Today I tried mkbrainmask-sess (first time), and got the error message shown below:



zion:/nfs/home/jliu/VM/myProc> mkbrainmask-sess -sf sessid_S001 -df sesspar -funcstem fmcss




Mon Sep 20 21:20:40 CST 2004



mkbrainmask -i 004/fmcss -o masks/brain -thresh 0.1 -umask 2


Scratch Dir is /tmp/mkbrainmask_23685

# ---------- Converting bvolume to .img ------------------ #

mri_convert 004/fmcss_000.bshort /tmp/mkbrainmask_23685/fmcss.img

reading from 004/fmcss_000.bshort...

INFO: bvolumeRead: min = 25, max = 1325

TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00

i_ras = (-1, 0, 0)

j_ras = (0, -0.995227, 0.0975827)

k_ras = (-0, 0.097583, 0.995227)

writing to /tmp/mkbrainmask_23685/fmcss.img...

Analyze Output Matrix

-1.406   0.000  -0.000   94.016;

 0.000  -1.400   0.195   101.727;

 0.000   0.137   1.990  -42.636;

 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;


INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 3

# ---------- Using FSL's BET to Extract Brain------------------ #

This program has not been compiled for this data type


bet /tmp/mkbrainmask_23685/fmcss /tmp/mkbrainmask_23685/brain -m -f 0.1

ERROR: bet failed

ERROR: mkbrainmask failed

Exit 1



The input data (fmcss) were motion-corrected, spatial-smoothed, and intensity-normalized using fsfast (the newest version released). Could anyone tell me how to fix this problem? Thanks for your help!



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