Dear list members! I would like to analye cortical thickness data and wonder which is the best way to proceed...
So far I have processed the data using recon all (including manual top fixing). This includes the registration using the average7 subj. on the sphere. 1) Is it a valid approach to use the coreg. on the average7 or should I take a similar approach as used by VBM building a study specific template and do the coreg step on this template once again. 2) For doing the cortical thickness group analysis (using mris_glm) it seems to be the best to use a specific group average. Is there any "ready to use script" which I could use to build the average_study data and all the stuff needed by mris_glm? 3) Which files should be calculated to use them later for the stat. analysis and overlay? Many thanks for your help! Best wishes, Philppe and Lukas Lukas Scheef, MD, MSc MR-Tomography Department of Radiology University of Bonn Sigmund-Freud-Straße 25 D-53105 Bonn Fax: +49-228-287-5598 Phone:+49-228-287-4496 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]