
Please check the cutting planes. Left/right is OK? Do you see the cutting plane at
the pon correct?

If they are bad, then you add seed point option to mri_fill so that you get the good locations.
left/right cut is fixed by the corpus callosum seed, -C x y z where x y z is the MNI talairach position.
The pons cutting plane is fixed by -P x y z where x y z is the MNI talairach position.

If both are good, then you may have to edit the "wm" volume, using tkmedit.

The algorithm of mri_fill tries to combine all connected region. If there is a connecting
white matter link between two regions(aboe and below the brain stem), it will be connected.

Your task is to remove this connection by editing the wm volume.


Yasunari Tosa, Ph.D. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NMR Ctr, Mass. General Hospital TEL: 617-726-4050 Building 149, 13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129

camilo wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have been runnig into some problems with the freesurfer. The problem is that the brainstem still appears on the white matter filled images. I have tryed to do what they tell you to do on the manual (go to expert preferences and in the WMFill menu, set the coordinates for the pons and callosum points). Even I do that, I still get the brainstem on the reconstructions. Does any one have any idea on how to solve this inconvenient?



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