
setenv renderoffscreen 1

before running tksurfer. This used to work, but no one has used it in ages, 
so it may be broken.


On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Daniel Goldenholz wrote:

> I am trying to view images from tksurfer remotely.
> My computer at work has everything all set up fine, and my computer at 
> home has no linux, and therefore no freesurfer.
> I wanted to look at a particular surface and overlay, but I had not 
> previously viewed it. So I called up tksurfer from my VNC terminal, and 
> was told that some graphics routines needed for tksurfer were not there.
> I don't mind so much - it's annoying, but if I could find a workaround it 
> wouldn't bug me too much. I was hoping I could simply use a tcl script to 
> draw the image on my work computer, save it, and then view it remotely.
> For reasons that are not clear to me, this didn't work either.
> So. What I want to do is given a particular view that I set up in a tcl 
> script, I would like to get an RGB file of that, without drawing it 
> locally.
> Any ideas or creative workarounds?
> Thanks

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