Hi Stephanie,

you should always be able to use the interface in tksurfer to load a 
patch manually if all else fails.


On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Stephanie McMains 

> I am trying to look at data analyzed as a block design on a
> flat.occip.patch.  I am trying to use surf-sess to do this, but I have found
> if I set the patch option in the command line then it automatically thinks I
> am doing retinotopy and tries to use the twocond-flat.tcl script, which is
> incorrect.  Is there a way to use surf-sess to view blocked design data on
> the patch? 
> I just could not see a way.  So I went in and edited the surf-sess script so
> that it did not automatically set the tcl script to twocond-flat.tcl when
> you used the -patch flag.  I now have surf-sess setting the patch correctly,
> but in the end the inflated surface still comes up.  Is there some way to
> override the inflated surface and get it to use the patch?
> An answer to either question would be most helpful!
> Thanks!
> Stephanie 
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