You can also do that with qemu:  -drive format=raw,file=fat:rw:$HOME/shared

The QEMU docs state that the FAT is created at startup - so any new files
added on the linux side won't appear to DOS after booting  However, new
files created from DOS will update the in-memory FAT and thus appear to DOS
and Linux.

I would not rely on this for muti-user use though, any more than I would
rely on the homedir -based "drives" that DOSEMU uses.  For this use MSNET
or something similar which allows proper file locking. (as discussed

- Darrin

On Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 9:18 AM Liam Proven <> wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Mar 2022 at 14:03, Jim Hall <> wrote:
> > DOSEMU can definitely boot FreeDOS (or any DOS) in a window like I've
> described, where it's a completely self-contained and installed DOS. That's
> exactly how I used to run DOSEMU in the DOSEMU "1.x" days.
> Yes, I know, but that's not what I was talking about.
> What I was talking about was primarily the integration between DOS and
> the underlying OS. That I had a set of drive letters that were my home
> directory, and the whole Linux filesystem, and so on. I could do, say,
> DIR d:\apps\msword > z:\wordlist.txt
> And bingo, there's a file in my home directory called wordlist.txt
> containing the list of files in what DOS sees as my d:\apps\word
> folder.
> I could open WordPerfect, write some stuff, save it as a a file in
> Z:\Docume~1\mywpdoc.wp and then alt-tab to my Linux desktop and open
> ~/Documents/mywpdoc.wp in LibreOffice, check it looked OK, and then
> flip to Thunderbird email it to my boss.
> It makes DOS apps part of the apps on the computer. That's why it was
> useful to me. That's why I've been asking about getting FD13 running
> under it.
> A VM doesn't do that. It is a virtual PC with a virtual HD and inside
> that a FAT filesystem. My Linux apps can't see into it. My DOS apps
> can't see Linux files.
> Whether it's in a window or not doesn't matter. That's just cosmetics.
> I'm not starting an argument, I am just trying to understand.
> --
> Liam Proven ~ Profile:
> Email: ~ gMail/gTalk/FB:
> Twitter/LinkedIn: lproven ~ Skype: liamproven
> UK: (+44) 7939-087884 ~ Czech [+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal]: (+420)
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