
> Basically, If a version for a specific platform doesn’t exist. The Default 
> version is used.
> Extensions are
>       086-686: for CPU specific.
>       DBX: for DOSBox
>       VBX: for VirtualBox
>       VMW: for VMware
>       (a couple others not used a present)

Quite complex system! Maybe you could make a
table about the differences between those.

> Partly to show they are for FreeDOS and FreeDOS is different from 
> MS/PC/Open/etc-DOS.
> Partly because installers love to break MY config files.

Difficult. Some people may prefer similarities
instead of differences being made explicit.

Thanks for clarifying that backing up the old
system includes boot files, config and the DOS
directory. I guess you could even add a backup
of the old boot sector to your backup zip :-)
After all, our SYS has a backup and a restore.

> The “Welcome” screen says “Welcome to the advanced installer”

Yes, but I was referring to the title text.

>> Which brings me to the next question, why
>> not put that choice in the interactive
>> installer menu? As far as I understood
>> the video, people have to abort install
>> to get to a prompt, then manually start
>> advanced install, that is less intuitive.
> Not up to me.

Then I hope somebody else would support my
suggestion that the advanced installer mode
can be reached from the initial "how do you
want to install? full or base, with or without
sources?" menu as a fifth option to make it
easier to find :-) Having to first abort the
installer to find the advanced mode is evil.

> At present, I’m not aware of any tool that
> does a test for “Is Drive ? Empty”.

You mean as in "are there no partitions yet"?
That should be feasible to do with the help
of FDISK /INFO and a writeable temp directory
to let you "grep" for the word "FAT" and for
the "%" character. If % is found, then there
are some partitions. If "FAT" is found, they
even include FAT ones. So you get four cases:

- no partitions are existing at all yet

- partitions exist, but none are FAT

- FAT partition exists, but not formatted

- a working FAT partition exists

To distinguish the last 2 cases, simply use
my tiny WHICHFAT utility :-)

Note that FDISK returns a non-zero errorlevel
if you try to "FDISK /INFO 1" while no BIOS
drive 0x80 exists at all. In that case, it
would of course be futile to install to the
drive which does not even exist ;-)

As mentioned before, I think you should NOT
assume that VM users by definition want to
overwrite all data, or that hardware users
by definition do not. Better check whether
there already is something on the disk, no
matter whether it is a real or virtual one.

Regards, Eric

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