(Eric replied off-list about the "FreeDOS 1.3 RC4" video, but this is
generally interesting to others, so I am replying to the list instead)

> On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 4:40 PM Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> Did you know FreeDOS has a YouTube channel? I post a variety of videos
> >> there, about using FreeDOS, programming on DOS, running DOS
> >> applications, and playing DOS games.
> >> (https://www.youtube.com/freedosproject)
> >>
> >> Folks have asked if I can share highlights from some of the YouTube
> >> videos, and I try to post something on the email list every 1 or 2
> >> months:
> >>[...]

On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 5:57 PM Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
> hi again!
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76V0EpXY6Eo
> "less" also can be used without pipelines,
> as you know, as in "less fdauto.bat"

I think you're referring to 3:58 in the video, right after mentioning
that the "pipe" doesn't work the same in DOS as it does on Linux. On
Linux, "cat FDAUTO.BAT|more" will execute the "cat" command to display
the file to stdout, *and* execute the "more" command to paginate the
content from stdin. (If you do a "ps" on your Linux system, you'll see
both "cat" and "more" processes.)

In DOS, everything runs one at a time. So typing "type
FDAUTO.BAT|more" will execute the "type" command and save the output
in a temporary file, then COMMAND will execute the "more" command to
read from the temporary file.

And on the LiveCD, the CD is a write-only filesystem, so Jerome set up
a small RAM disk to store the temporary files. So at 3:30 in the
video, I show how "type FDAUTO.BAT|more" works on the LiveCD.

And then I mention that we include more than just the "MORE" command,
we also have the "less" command from Linux. So I repeat the command as
"type FDAUTO.BAT|less" to show the "less" command in action.

But you're right, I didn't show that you can call "less FDAUTO.BAT" on
the command line. I talk about "viewing" the file in EDIT (to further
show that the LiveCD is a read-only environment) but not another
"less" command. I guess I figured that Linux users probably knew how
to run the "less" command.

> would be nice if you could present moresys:
> type fdauto.bat >more$
>  ;-)

I never remember about MORESYS, so I never remember it's there.
Actually, MORESYS isn't loaded by default on FreeDOS 1.3 RC4 anyway,
so the command wouldn't work in a "stock" FreeDOS 1.3 RC4. On almost
all my YouTube videos, I try to use a "stock" FreeDOS if I can, so
it's easier for folks to reproduce what I'm doing.

But if I ever do a video about "different ways to view files on
FreeDOS" I'll be sure to cover MORESYS.

> what are the alternate _move _move _tee and
> _choice versions about? what are jemfbhlp,
> umbm + cpucache? why himemx + himemx2? why
> debug, debugx, debugxg, debugxd + debugxe?
> quite a collection of alternate "debug"!

I think you're referring to around 8:03 in the video when you can see
the output of DIR in the BIN directory. I hadn't really looked at them
before. But I just looked now (as you could have) and _move _more _tee
and _choice each seem to be a slightly smaller version of the full
commands, also in that directory. For example, "_CHOICE /?" gives a
message that indicates it's the same version as CHOICE, also in BIN.

At a guess, maybe these are UPX'd versions? Or maybe it's a leftover
from some earlier setup to create the RC4 LiveCD.

> note the dir size layout bug at 8:20

You should be more specific. What you're referring to is the
long-standing bug where DIR output doesn't force a newline before the
summary. For what it's worth, this appears to be fixed in FreeCOM

> amb should probably give a hint on how
> to not quit (at "press esc again").
>  :-)

You're referring to the "PRESS ESC AGAIN TO QUIT" message at about
10:20 in the video.

Hitting a different key to "not quit" hasn't bothered me. But if it
bothers you, you could enter a bug about it, or mention it to Mateusz
(the author/maintainer of AMB). But I am not Mateusz.



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