
> Unfortunately it does actually seem to be a networking issue. I just tried
> to wget the current fdnpkg file from ibiblio.org and it failed, reporting:
> "Resolving www.ibiblio.org... failed: No address associated with hostname.

Note that is a nameserver outside your house, you could try
to set the IP of your network router or modem as nameserver. Those
often provide DNS proxy or cache services. Also, you could try DHCP,
which automatically asks the local network for suitable configuration.

In DOS, the disadvantage of DHCP is that it might have to ask again
for each network access, because there is no permanently active DOS
network running in the background: Only apps themselve use the net.

One idea would be to check another Linux or Windows computer in your
network to see which setting those use and derive one for DOS from it.

Regards, Eric

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