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> I use Lynx, still updated regularly, to order at amazon.com, to reach yahoo=
> news,  to access on line libraries.
> Actually to read loads of news sources.
> Still my computer is a tool, not a toy.  I do successful google searches=20
> for practically anything.
> Although links adds JavaScript, its lack of cookies still makes lynx  the=
> more efficient choice, at least for me.
> Cannot speak to visiting 100 year old standard places,  Lynx meets my=20
> needs several times a day.
> Karen

I used Lynx for online ordering long ago, on DR-DOS 7.03, which I used before 

That Lynx was downloaded from https://www.rahul.net/dkaufman/

In those days, I used that Lynx frequently.

I don't know where to get updates now unless I download and build it myself.

I don't think Lynx would work for online banking, at least not on most online 
banking sites.


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