On 07/09/2020 18:15, Michael Brutman wrote:
Others have provided small utilities to let WATTCP apps use the mTCP DHCP program.  I think that is a reasonable solution given the history.

Interesting. Any links? mTCP seems to be quite popular nowadays - at least as much as Wattcp-based applications, so it could be nice to have such "glue" add-ons onboard in FreeDOS. That is assuming their licenses are compatible of course.

On a more positive note (which I think we all need) reinventing the wheel is fun.  Competition is part of a healthy ecosystem.

Absolutely. Bridges are also nice things, when possible/applicable, so the ecosystem does not appear too much fragmented to end users. :)

Next up for mTCP - IPv6

That would be very nice indeed. Sooner or later IPv6 will replace IPv4, it'd be really cool to have a working networking solution then, without needing to rely on external 4to6 contraptions. I managed to build picoTCP with IPv6 support once, and it somewhat worked (at least it was exchanging ICMPv6 neighbor discoveries with peers) - but the added bloat was horrible (hundreds of KiBs), not much memory being left for the actual application. I ended up disabling IPv6 in the default build. I am curious to see how small you will be able to get.

I'm also thinking about a network drive for DOS.  EtherFlop is intriguing but I really want to go with something over UDP so that it is routable on a network and can be hosted on the server side by a Windows or a Linux machine.

I have added provisions to the EtherDFS protocol so it can be compatible with UDP. It would actually be relatively easy to make it work over UDP. I was planning to at one point, but then didn't really need it so it went into backlog for an indefinite time... Perhaps I'll revisit this in some near future. That being said I wouldn't use such drive over internet myself - DOS is very picky about timing and lost packets when it comes to I/O operations... But a routeable home LAN with a few different subnets could be a good use case.

small doses I'm still working my way up to TSRs, which are a lot harder to debug than the C programs I've been writing.

They are indeed - I've spent more nights than I can count debugging EtherDFS and EthFlop while battling with random freezes, memory corruptions, suddenly hanging games and such. TSRs are truly a toxic environment. But it's part of the challenge, after all.


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