The comment that a pick and place machine designed around MS-DOS 6.22
and Windows 9x/ME is a funny machine is a little disingenuous.
Freedos didn't exist in a useable form back then and Windows 9x/ME in
it's day was dominant.
I'm hopeful that we could use freedos on the real time system, we can
at least try. Trouble may crop up with respect to the shared memory
card which is ISA based. Depends on what interfaces in MS-DOS 6.22
are important
and which ones aren't. The advantage if Freedos works is that it is
supported currently. Potentially, usb
support and fat32 support could come in handy. Does Microsoft
Scandisk for Windows 98se work on freedos?
We could use more modern SBC's with Freedos potentially than what we
can use with MS-DOS. Software doesn't rot,
but hardware does.
I'm hopeful too that we can use at least Windows 2000 on the gui.
There is no direct replacement for Windows 98/ME. These systems are
very resource hungry and only moderately stable. If we can get away
with Windows 2000,
we may be able to replace that in the future with a stable ReactOS.
At that point, we are open source and supported across both heads.
-- Michael C. Robinson
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