I assume these are known problems with the XDEL command in version 1.3
RC1, but this regards two situations:

1) where you want to delete all files of the same extension that exist
one folder level down from where you execute the command. It does not
delete the files, at least in the situation where the directory name
contains an extension (ex: WPTAIL.UNI directory in FreeDOS\AppInfo). To
get around that problem I used the DIR /B /S *.* > delete.lst command to
create a barebones list of files to be deleted using the '@' option.
That did work.

2) the next thing I tried to do is delete all the empty directories with
the .UNI extension using the command XDEL *.UNI /D. That does not work
as upon execution, the command always truncates the last letter of the
extension. So when it gets to deleting WPTAIL.UNI, it reports that it
cannot delete WPTAIL.UN (which does not exist). I renamed directory to
WPTAIL.UN thinking that will work but it results in a report it cannot
delete WPTAIL.U, and when you rename by removing the extension entirely,
it says it cannot remove the directory name (which is finally correctly

Related to the first issue with XDEL is that when trying to delete all
instances of a filename in subfolders (using a wildcard), the prompt
does not come up until AFTER I hit enter or another key. In other words,
the action I take precedes the prompt and the command terminates without
the answer to the prompt being received by the program.
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