> Not sure how to fold in the "16bit v 32bit" section or the "UEFI"
> section, but I may add a section at the bottom of "Releases" that
> talks about this (probably "Features" or "Assumptions") just to have
> everything in one page.

"16bit v 32bit":

I took the time to look into what the night dos kernel group has
achieved so far in the 3+ years that it exists.

simple conclusion: this not going to be a DOS kernel.  ever.

what they describe as goal is some sort of OS/2, WINDOWS 3.11 for work groups,
or similar. multitasking, DOS compatible (and redefine the desktop
metaphor ;).

at the same time all the source indicates that they are newbie
programmers, and also completely new to 8086 assembler, but insist on
doing all work in assembly.

this project is not going to succeed, at least not with these people,
and not in our lifetime.

my vote: remove from road map.


your argument is wrong.
a BIOS emulator on top of UEFI is possible. this would load the
FreeDOS boot sector, everything else as normal.

practically people able to fulfill such (very advanced) stunt are
usually not motivated to spend a year of their life on obsolete stuff.

my vote: "not going to happen unless a white knight in shiny armor
shows up. don't hold your breath."


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