>> May be using some misinformation,
>> but what ssh client is included in Freedos
>> if any?
>> Is / was there a putty dos one for example?

Putty is a combined terminal window and SSH client,
so it is only needed in Windows. In Linux, you use
one of the existing Terminal windows (which seem to
be more versatile than the command com or cmd exe
windows of Windows) and a text-based SSH client.

In DOS, you would use sshdos and ssh2dos, which are
for two different versions of the SSH protocol. Yet,
both are too old and no longer connect with common
SSH server configurations! Both are text based apps.

A while ago, I tried to compile a custom secure
protocol library for a project in Linux and I can
tell you that those things unfortunately have a
larger number of dependencies than the should...

A starting point for finding something lightweight
and feasible to port to DOS might be this list:


However, that is probably more useful when you want
to add HTTPS support to a DOS browser and less when
you want to upgrade SSH2DOS, but I am no expert in
those things.

Regards, Eric

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