
On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 8:36 PM, Karen Lewellen
<klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
> May I ask what djgpp is exactly?
> I was about to  ask on the Lynx developers list about an updated DOS
> package.
> will this if properly configured run under dos?
> Sorry if my question is well naive,

DJGPP is a 32-bit DOS extender / libc / runtime (requiring 386),
usually for DOS ports of GNU tools (e.g. GCC). It's been around
(roughly) since 1989. It was used by Quake 1 back in the day (1996).
It's somewhat unfairly considered "obsolete" in lieu of Win32 (e.g.
Win95 or NT). But tons of software used it, again primarily "back in
the day" (although it's still minimally updated and supported).

Yes, Lynx will presumably run under native DOS, but it sounds very
complicated to get working. It's not impossible, but I don't recommend
it for the fainthearted. I'm a little savvy, but even I think it might
be more trouble than it's worth. Still, it's nice to have. I just
don't quite have the energy to waste dozens of hours on it right now.

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