To add yet another personal view to this thread:

> [...] Win10 and Linux.  I have an assortment of old DOS apps that I
> run using DOSBox, which was designed to let folks run old DOS games
> on machines that aren't PCs.

But also PCs that just do not run DOS as main OS.

> [...] 23" 1920x1080 monitor, and don't *want* stuff full screen. [...]

Similar here. Running DOS in windows in another (multitasking,
internet, multi core, big memory and so on) operating system
gives me the advantages of both. Running classic software
while also having all the modern stuff and multiple windows.

Sticking all the modern features into DOS itself would turn
DOS into something that is NOT DOS but in the best case like
OS/2 and in the worst case some very niche "Windows mini me".

Cheers  Eric

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