> There already is FD32 which puts FreeDOS and
> a 32-bit DOS extender into the same file,
I missed this.
If you mean FreeDOS-32, they put  'FreeDOS and
a 32-bit DOS extender' in the project name, but the source is
unrelated to FreeDOS. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

> but the improvements
> compared to using a separate DOS extender (or just CWSDPMI) on
> a normal 16-bit FreeDOS kernel seem to be limited enough
as always said by these nasty experts...

> that FD32 is still not nearly as popular as old FreeDOS afaik...
if you are talking about FreeDOS-32, there has never been anything to
download as a *user*.

> I do appreciate having more 32-bit DOS extended DOS software,
> but for 64-bit and multi core / multi CPU / > 3 GB RAM, you
> would first have to suggest some really cool DOS use cases :-)
whatever someone might suggest, 64-bit is simply not possible on top of a 
16-bit OS


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