Hi Abe,

> Based on Eric's suggestion of using more cautious settings,
> I found the JEMMEX doc page
> (http://help.fdos.org/en/hhstndrd/base/jemmex.htm)

The documentation is also included in your installation on disk.


You could also try X=TEST Without I=TEST, but excluding C900 to DFFF
seems to be an even more cautious choice for your specific system.

> Boot option 1 no longer crashes, but it doesn't appear to be an 
> improvement over boot option 2...

Option 2 loads SHARE and uses HIMEMX together with JEMM386 instead
of JEMMEX which combines "HIMEM" and "EMM386" into a single driver.
Option 2 also moves the PCNTPK network packet driver to UMB, which
is why you have slightly more "largest executable program size" in
option 2 compared to option 1 in spite of option 2 loading SHARE.

You can try using LH for PCNTPK, but if you do not use internet in
DOS, you could simply comment out the whole line that loads PCNTPK.

If you only use EMS-aware software which is EMS 4.0 compatible,
you can disable EMS 3.2 compatible page frames with some option
for JEMMEX and JEMM386: That way, you get 64 kB extra space for
UMB use, so it will be easier to LH things and gain low space.

I think today EMM386 is more often used for UMB and less often
for EMS. If you only use UMB but do not need EMS at all, you
can also disable EMS 3.2 compatible page frames, of course :-)

> Boot option 1 (http://tinypic.com/r/zm1boj/9): [JEMMEX]
> Total memory Free: 26,699K
> Total Expanded (EMS): 8,576K
> Free Expanded (EMS): 8,192K
> Largest executable program size: 597K
> Largest free upper memory block: 2K

> Boot option 2 (http://tinypic.com/r/2zzjl77/9): [HIMEMX+JEMM386]
> Total memory Free: 26,669K
> Total Expanded (EMS): 31M

Interesting that JEMM386 defaults to offer more EMS than JEMMEX.

> Free Expanded (EMS): 25M

Odd, what happened to the other 6 MB of EMS?

> Largest executable program size: 610K

This is because that option loads SHARE & network drivers high.

> Largest free upper memory block: 4K

This is interesting: In spite of loading more things into UMB,
you have more UMB left. That MIGHT mean that option 2 does not
have the X=C900-DFFF option but still is lucky enough to avoid
a crash? It could already be unstable, though. Maybe it would
still crash as soon as you use the network in DOS.

ALSO, the option 2 takes the "dangerous" step of explicitly
including the monochrome graphics card text memory area as
UMB memory (I=B000-B7FF). This means that attempts to use a
program which uses monochrome video modes may cause crashes.
It could also be the real reason why more UMB is free there.

I think that even 597 kB of low DOS memory is plenty for old
DOS programs. New DOS programs use a DOS extender anyway, so
they will be able to use your EMS and XMS, which are several
megabytes. You can use other MEM command line options to see
more details. Check the output of "MEM /?" to learn more :-)

Regards, Eric

PS: Do you use a special MOUSE or the usual CTMOUSE driver?

PPS: I see 1.1 uses XMGR in option 3 and 4DOS in option 4,
not sure if those are included in the 1.2 distro any more.

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